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Make Loyalty More Rewarding For Your Customers

VXI’s AI-powered solutions enable agents to drive personalized interactions that track as well as influence customer behavior through tailored gratification. Together with your company, we co-create customer experiences that instill loyalty – from discovery to purchase and beyond.

VXI Customer Insights Icon

Customer Insights

We help you identify and understand signals

from customers likely to drop off and take

immediate action to retain them.

VXI Optimized Responses Icon

Optimized Responses

We analyze customer conversations,
history and other data to align your
offers with their needs and desires.

Proven Success

VXI Trophy Icon

Decades of success designing, building, implementing and operating innovative customer engagement solutions

Best-trained and coached advisors in the industry, with our unique, in-house-development technology giving us a distinct performance advantage

Consistently ranked the highest performing partner in multi-vendor environments

Start Making Your Customers Smile Today

With the talent and the tools to make every part of the process seamless, building an amazing customer-care team has never been easier.

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VXI Global Solutions, LLC

515 S. Figueroa, Suite 600

Los Angeles, CA 90071


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